What we do
We focus on five key areas, which all involve working together for the flourishing of our city.
It starts with prayer. This is the platform for God to move in our city; uniting in prayer for our city is what we’re passionate about.
A key event to support this kaupapa is the annual Auckland Prayer Breakfast. This brings together believers from across Tāmaki Makaurau for a morning of prayer, worship and connection.
Out of conversations with some key prayer leaders in the city, the concept of the Auckland Prayer Festival was born. The inaugural 2023 festival was a month-long prayer event, appreciating and championing the prayer gatherings and initiatives that already exist around Auckland. Learn more about the festival here.
We host a small group of church leaders to pray for our city fortnightly, focusing on areas of need such as poverty, healthcare, education, local Government, housing, emergency services. And we have a vision for prayer hubs right across Auckland, drawing together the Church for seasons of interceding for our city, in partnership with 24-7 Prayer.
We connect church leaders together. In fact, the backbone of a flourishing citywide ecosystem is church leaders and other Christian leaders meeting together in pastors networks. These provide an avenue to build trust, encourage and pray for one another, and a platform to go missional together. We’re investing into existing pastors networks across the city, and helping to establish new ones where they don’t exist.
We also connect with other organisations and leaders because partnership is essential to bring about a flourishing city. We have strong and growing connecting with Auckland Council, Auckland-based Members of Parliament, and a wide range of Christian for-purpose organisations across our city.
We support the Auckland Church and her leaders because we believe the Church is God’s “plan A” for transforming our city. For our city to flourish, it needs healthy churches, led by healthy leaders.
We provide support by casting vision, strategic thinking and analysis with a citywide lens - not a denominational or single-church lens.
We broker relationships to bring together church leaders with those who provide expert input into planting new churches, and ministry supervision and coaching. We believe these three areas are essential to invest into for both the Auckland and wider New Zealand Church to thrive over the next generation.
Learn more about our church planting learning community
Learn more about ministry supervision and coaching
We want to declare Jesus to and over our city. We support unified initiatives that do this, and stand proud in our relationship with civic leaders, upholding the values and mana of the Church.
We point people to Jesus through The Daily devotional series in the Lent season. We represent the Auckland Church in mainstream media interviews on request. We aim to be a positive, constructive voice, sharing stories of the excellent work the Church is doing across our city.
We inspire the Auckland Church and her leaders to serve our city together. We believe it takes more than a great church to reach our city; it takes a great movement of churches. We’re aware Tāmaki Makaurau is beautiful yet broken; that pressing social issues pervade the lives of many in our city.
We inspire and rally church leaders and other Christian leaders to work together in serving our city, particularly to support people’s physical and mental health.