Auckland Prayer Breakfast 2022
For our city to flourish, united prayer is a vital foundation. The Auckland Prayer Breakfast has been held annually for 7 years, bringing together people from different churches, ethnicities and corners of our city.
In 2022, as close to 500 people gathered at Eden Park, the Breakfast was designed to release hope across our city.
The four prayer topics were:
Healing of our communities - introduced by Loraine Elliott, Vicar for Social Impact & Communications in the Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Opportunities for business - introduced by Barry Thom, Owner of UP Real Estate
Prosperous relationships for families - introduced by Jenny Hale, Senior Family Coach at The Parenting Place
Empowering future generations - led by Ben Findlay, Founder of Catalyst Movement
As we worshiped together, heard from Auckland Councillors Josephine Bartley and Christine Fletcher, and tucked into a delicious breakfast, we celebrated God’s goodness and sense of unity in the room.
The Breakfast concluded with church leaders declaring a blessing over Tāmaki Makaurau