The Daily is back for 2023!

Watch the 2023 videos here.

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:3)

Auckland Church Network / Ranga Te Tira Hāhi partners with churches across our city to heed God's call to unity.

We're excited to announce that once again, in the season of Lent leading up to Easter, we’re bringing a beautiful mix of Auckland Christian leaders together to reflect on people Jesus encountered in the Gospels. Starting Ash Wednesday 22 February, 40 leaders from across our vibrant city will share a short daily devotional, helping us to see Jesus with fresh eyes, and to love and serve him afresh in our daily lives.

We invite you to subscribe to The Daily. (If you subscribed last year, there’s no need to do anything, we’ll include you this year again.)

We pray and hope this upcoming Easter season will be a time of blessing, reflection and celebration, especially amidst the current disruptions we are all experiencing. We look forward to sharing The Daily with you.

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Hope in Hawke’s Bay


Auckland Prayer Breakfast 2022